Table of Contents
User Guide
1 The AVCam300....................................................................................................5
2 Buttons and Functions ........................................................................................6
3.3 Megapixel Digital Still Camera and Digital Camcorder for ARCHOS AV300 series
3 Taking a Photo (Camera)....................................................................................7
3.1 Understanding and setting the Camera parameters .......................................................7
4 Filming a Video Segment (Camcorder) .............................................................9
4.1 Understanding and setting the Camcorder parameters ..................................................9
5 Viewing your photos and videos .......................................................................11
6 Troubleshooting .................................................................................................12
7 Technical Support..............................................................................................14
User Guide for ARCHOS AVCam 300 Digital Still and Video camcorder v1.0 (no. 102 433)
Please visit our web site to download the most recent manual and software for this product
The AVCam300
Buttons and Functions
Ready Indicator:
Dear Customer,
On: Ready to take a picture or video segment
Off: Camera module is off and pictures/video cannot be
Blinking: Camera is busy. Ex: during auto focus or writing
the image data to the hard drive.
We’d like to thank you for your choice of this ARCHOS camera add-on module for your AV300
series Personal Video Player (PVP). By adding this camera to your AV300, you now have all the
functionality of a 3.3 Megapixel Digital still camera AND a video camcorder. Please be careful to
treat it like you would a regular camera by handling it carefully and cleaning the lens with a
cleaner specific to camera lenses.
Flash Indicator:
On: Flash picture can be taken
Off: Flash disabled
Blinking: Flash unit charging
Shutter Button:
Half way pressed:
Photo: set the focus
Wishing you the best Video, Music, and Photo experience,
Fully pressed:
Photo: take a picture
Video: start/stop video recording
View finder
Zoom In Button
Connecting the AVCam300 Camera
Zoom Out Button
When connecting the AVCam300 to your AV300, you must be sure that the AV300 is off. Never
plug in or remove the AVCam from a device that is on. Remove the rubber cover on the left side
of the AV300 to expose the mini-
Video: start / pause / recommence recording
Video: stop recording
centronics connector. Align it to the
camera and then push in firmly making
sure that both the left and right side of
the connector “click” into place. The
AVCam300 should now be securely
connected to the body of the AV300.
If it can wiggle and has some play, then
you have not connected it correctly.
To remove the camera, simply shut off
your AV300 then squeeze the top and
bottom orange tabs to disengage the
clips, and then pull out.
Warning: Disconnecting the camera while the
AV300 is on could damage the contents of the AV300
hard drive.
Rename: This lets the user specify the file name
of the next photo.
Taking a Photo (Camera)
! Select Camera from the main menu screen (use joystick to select then click
on ENTER !)
Flash mode: Choose which type of flash you
want. On – use the flash on all pictures. Off – do
not use the flash. Auto - camera uses the flash if
there is not enough ambient light. Red eye – use a
special flash system that helps reduce the red in
subject’s eyes.
" Look either through the viewfinder or at the AV300 screen and aim the
camera at the subject to be photographed.
# Press the shutter button down half-way to tell the AV300 to set the focus.
Img quality (Image Quality): Choose what level
of JPEG compression you want. Fine will give the
best image quality, but the largest file size. Basic
will give the smallest file size, but the images will
not be as sharp.
You must wait for approximately one second for the autofocus to make its automatic adjustment.
$ Fully press the button to take the snapshot.
Camera Settings Menu
% The camera may take up to several seconds to store the JPEG image file on the hard disk of
the AV300. It will store it in the folder HD/Photo or the folder you were in before pressing on the
function key Record.
Img size (Image size): Choose the size, in pixel resolution, that you want your image file to be.
The higher the value, the more definition your picture will have. If you are going to print your
pictures either on your own printer or by a digital photo developer, you should use the settings at
the higher end. Note: You can choose all image sizes in zoom level 1x – 3x. You must choose
2048x1536 to use zoom 4x – 10x, but your resolution will be diminished the higher you go on the
digital zoom.
Understanding and setting the Camera parameters
Resolution: This will be resolution of the JPEG
image (in pixels) when a picture is taken.
Exposure: Use this setting to expose the image more or less than normal. Values are in steps of
1/3 from –2 to +2. Setting it in the negatives, will decrease the amount of picture exposure and
make your picture darker. Setting it positive will increase the exposure and make your pictures
brighter. If your subject has a bright background, you may want to over expose your picture a
little bit so that the person’s face is more visible. If you are taking pictures where there is a lot of
snow or the sun’s reflection on water, you may want to reduce the exposure.
Zoom: The current zoom factor. Zoom 1x - 3x
optical, 4x - 9.6x used the digital zoom.
Flash status: This shows the current flash
mode. On, Off, Auto, or Red eye.
White Bal. (White Balance): Use the setting to change the color temperature of your photos.
Set it to the ambient light conditions in order to best reproduce the colors of the objects in the
photo (tungsten, fluorescent, daylight, or cloudy). Changing these settings will adjust the camera
color so that even with these different types of light sources, the picture colors will be as close as
possible to reality.
Digital Zoom: This shows whether or not the
camera is currently using its digital zoom.
Compression: This is the current setting of the
JPEG compression (Basic/Normal/Fine). For
the best possible image (although it will take up
more disk space) set this to Fine (fine dots
Click on the center function button to
access and change the Camera settings
Timer: You can set the self-timer to 5 seconds or 10 seconds. The picture will be taken five or
ten seconds after the shutter button is pressed.
Reset: Reset the values in this screen to the factory default settings.
Exposure Value: Displays EV if you have set
the exposure setting to a non-default value.
White Balance: Shows the current type of
while balance being used. Set according to
lighting conditions.
Rename: This lets the user specify the file name
of the next video segment.
Filming a Video Segment (Camcorder)
! Select Camcorder from the main menu screen (use the joystick to
select, then click on ENTER !)
Exposure: Use this setting to expose the image
more or less than normal. Values are in steps of
1/3 from –1 to +1. Setting it in the negatives, will
decrease the amount of picture exposure and make
your picture darker. Setting it positive will
increase the exposure and make your pictures
brighter. If your subject has a bright background,
you may want to over expose your picture a little
bit so that the person’s face is more visible. If you
are taking pictures where there is a lot of snow or
the sun’s reflection on water, you may want to
reduce the exposure.
" Look either through the viewfinder or at the AV300 screen and aim the
camera at the subject to be filmed.
# Press the shutter button all the way down (or the START ! button ) to
start the recording. A red circle
on the top right of the AV300 screen indicates you are
Camera Settings Menu
$ Press the shutter button all the way down again (or the STOP " button ) in order to stop the
recording. The camera will take a few seconds to store the MPEG4 video file to the hard disk of
the AV300. It will store the file in the folder HD/Video or the most recent folder you were in
when you pressed the function button Record.
White Bal. (White Balance): Use the setting to change the color temperature of your photos. Set
it to the ambient light conditions in order to best reproduce the colors of the objects in the photo
(tungsten, fluorescent, daylight, or cloudy). Changing these settings will adjust the camera color
so that even with these different types of light sources, the picture colors will be as close as
possible to reality.
% If you would like to pause the video recording, press on the START ! button. You will
notice a pause symbol
appear. Press again on this button and the camera will recommence its
Source: The default audio source for a video segment is the built-in microphone. To get even
better sound for your videos, we encourage you to use an External microphone (such as the
stereo microphone available as option). Further, you can even use a line level audio source for
special recording situations.
Understanding and setting the Camcorder parameters
Bitrate: The is analogous to the Image Quality setting in the camera mode. This setting
determines the level of compression of the recorded video file. Set to 2000kb/s for the highest
quality images (takes up more space on the hard drive), or to a lower setting to have smaller file
sizes (you may have a slightly reduced image quality on setting lower than 1500kb/s). The
default of 1500kb/s is fine for most situations.
Zoom: This is the current zoom factor. For
video ranges from 1x to 3x.
Exposure Value: Displays EV if you have set
the exposure setting to a non-default value.
Note: Long continuous recording times (2 hours and more) can create
files that are greater than 2GB each. The AV300 will create multiple files
in order to make long recordings. Thus a very long video recording may
produce files called VID0000, VID0001, and VID0002.
White Balance: Shows the current type of
while balance being used; auto, tungsten,
fluorescent, daylight, or cloudy.
VU Meter: Shows the sound intensity of the
Gain Control: Use this control (joystick
left/right) to decrease or increase the audio
recording sensitivity.
Click on the center function button to
access and change the Camcorder settings
Viewing your photos and videos
You will, no doubt, have many files on your AV300 over time, and the best way to find them is to
make a clear directory structure and store them in an orderly fashion. For example, you might
want to use the path HD/Video/Camcorder/Spring-vacation for all your videos of your spring
vacation instead of mixing everything together in Video. The more you store your photos, videos,
and music in bulk in folders, the more difficult it will be to find the files you want to play.
Question: My photos are out of focus or blurred. What can I do?
Answer: This is often due to the fact of using the digital zoom or the optical zoom. When
zooming in on objects, you must have a very steady hand to hold the camera when pressing the
shutter button. Any shakiness is magnified and often renders the picture blurry. Also, shooting in
low light conditions will force the shutter to stay open longer and thus any camera movement or
fast movement in the camera’s sight, will be blurred. Trying to take pictures of objects closer than
40cm (16 inches) will also give out of focus results.
Question: Sometimes while I am recording video, the zoom does not react or is slow in
reacting. Is this normal?
!Going to the photo and video mode via
" Going to the photo and video mode
the main screen icons
via the Record button.
Answer: During a video recording, there is a write process from the internal buffers to the hard
drive every one minute or so. During this time (approximately five seconds), a red hourglass will
appear on the top of the screen and you will not be allowed to zoom in or out during this write
There are two ways of accessing the recording screens for taking photos or videos. If you use
only method ! above, the default folders for saving photo images and video segments will be the
Photo and Video folders respectively. Thus afterwards, you will find all your pictures or videos
in those two folders. If you browse to a subfolder which is in the Photo folder or the Video
folder and then use the Record function button ", then your photo or video file will be saved
directly into that folder. This is much more convenient for storing your files in an orderly fashion.
After you have done this once, each time you use the main screen icons to take a picture or video,
it will save the files to the folder that you last used when you used the Record button.
Question: Can I change the exposure time when I take a photo?
Answer: The camera has an automatic exposure system and cannot be set manually. Depending
on the lighting conditions and the flash mode, it will adjust anywhere from 1/1000 of a second to 1
Problem: There is a flicker on the screen when using the camcorder.
To view a video or photo that you have taken, just use your browser to go to that file and click on
START !. Remember, when viewing photos, you can zoom up to three levels of magnification
on a photo if you like, or you can view multiple images on the screen (4 or 9 images).
Solution: This may be due to the indoor lighting. Try changing the screen display type by going
to the Setup > Display > TV Standard. Use PAL for Europe and NTSC for North America.
Problem: The Camera and the Camcorder icons are grayed out and I cannot select them.
Solution: There are two possible reasons for this. One, the camera is not securely connected to
the AV300. Take if off and when you reinsert it, make sure both sides of the connection click into
place. The second reason may be that you connected the camera to the AV300 without shutting
off the AV300 first. Shut off the AV300 and restart it again.
Technical Support
Problem: I cannot get the camera or camcorder to zoom in more than 3X.
Solution: The camera can zoom up to 9.6X only if the Image size parameter under Settings is set
If technical support determines that your product needs to be returned, please contact the
place of purchase to have your product repaired or replaced (depending on problem type).
Customers who purchased directly from the Archos web site should fill out the form on the
web site under Support : Product Returns : RMA Request form.
to 2048x1536. The camcorder zooms only up to 3X.
Problem: The AV300 unit freezes operation and none of the buttons do anything.
There is an FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions section at the ARCHOS Website
Solution: This is a rare case and the simplest thing to do is to hold down on the STOP/OFF "
button for 12 seconds. This will shut off the AV300. Turn it back on again and retry the
If you need technical help, you may contact ARCHOS directly in your own language via
these phone numbers. For other countries, please e-mail our technical support.
Problem: The autofocus takes too long or its focus is incorrect.
Telephone Support:
Solution: The autofocus system needs to have contrast in the picture in order to focus correctly.
Thus, it will have difficulties focusing on flat areas without contrast or sharp edges. Move the
camera to have some other objects on the screen so that it can figure out how to make the focus.
INFORMATION. These numbers are to aid those who
have technical difficulties / malfunctions. Our technicians
can only help you with technical issues.
01 70 20 00 30
(USA, Canada)
E-mail Support: (United States and Canada customers) English (Europe and rest of the planet) English and French (Germany) German
To respond to your e-mails efficiently, when sending one, please indicate the product name and
question type in the Subject of the e-mail.
For example:
Subject: AVCam300 – Video recording
ARCHOS AVCam300 Technical Specifications
File format:
JPEG compressed Basic/Normal/Fine
Fixed at 100
Image sizes:
Auto focus range:
Focal length
Auto focus:
2048x1536, 1024x768, or 640x480 (Between 1x and 3x)
40 cm – infinity
35mm equivalence: 41mm – 122mm
Always on
Exposure Value (EV):
White Balance:
-2 to +2 steps of 1/3
Worldwide Offices
Auto, Outdoors, Cloudy, Tungsten, Fluorescent
off/auto/on/red eye
Flash modes:
Optical zoom:
Shutter speed:
Digital Zoom:
United States & Canada
Europe & Asia
1x – 3x
ARCHOS Technology
3, Goodyear – Unit A
Irvine, CA 92618 USA
Phone: 1 949-609-1483
12, rue Ampère
91430 Igny
Automatic depending on light/flash 1/1000 sec. – 1 sec.
4x – 9x (Only in 2048x1536 image size setting)
Zoom 3.9x makes 1600x1200 pixel image
Zoom 5.4x makes 1280x960 pixel image
Zoom 6.0x makes 1024x768 pixel image
Zoom 7.8x makes 800x600 pixel image
Zoom 9.6x makes 640x480 pixel image
1 949-609-1414
Phone: +33 (0) 169 33 169 0
+33 (0) 169 33 169 9
United Kingdom
ARCHOS (UK) Limited
Regus House
Windmill Hill Business Park
Whitehill Way
ARCHOS Deutschland GmbH
Bredelaerstrasse 63
40474 Düsseldorf
Format video:
Mpeg4 320x240 resolution .avi file
NTSC 20 frames/sec
Wiltshire SN5 6QR UK
Phone: +44 (0) 1793 44 15 10
+49 211 1520 384
+49 211 1520 349
+44 (0) 1793 44 16 10
PAL 25 frames/sec
Format audio:
MP3 192kb/s stereo Constant Bit Rate (CBR)
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